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  • Getting Started

API Reference

Discoverability via TypeScript types is a design goal for useAuth. Nevertheless, this page aims to describe all user-facing APIs and how you might use them.

The API for useAuth comes in 3 parts:

  1. <AuthConfig /> to configure auth
  2. useAuth() to interact with the auth system
  3. dispatch() for direct access to the underlying XState machine


<AuthConfig /> is a component that helps you configure useAuth. You don't need to use AuthConfig but it makes life easier.

<AuthConfig /> accepts 3 props:

  • authProvider, an auth provider class conforming to the auth providers spec
  • navigate, a routing function for your environment
  • params, optional params object to configure your auth provider. Each auth provider defines its own API for params
  • children, optional React children if you prefer wrapping. But AuthConfig is not a context provider.

The component ensures your auth provider is initialized and sessions are checked on render. You can do this yourself with the dispatch() API.


The useAuth() hook is the main API you use to interact with this library.

const Component = () => {
const { ... } = useAuth()
// do stuff
return <RenderStuff />

The hook exposes these values:

  • isAuthenticating, boolean whether we're currently authenticating. Great for loading spinners
  • isAuthenticated(), method to check if user is currently authenticated
  • isAuthorized(), method to check if user has the right roles or scopes
  • user, object with user properties; differs between providers
  • userId, string identifying the current user
  • authResult, object with the latest authentication result
  • login(), function to trigger login process
  • signup(), function to trigger signup process
  • logout(), function to trigger logout process
  • handleAuthentication(), function to use in auth callback pages
  • dispatch(), function to access the underlying XState machinery

If your editor supports TypeScript and JSDoc hinting, you should see a list of these APIs every time you use useAuth.


useAuth uses XState to manage state.

useAuth XState machine
useAuth XState machine

You can use the exposed dispatch() method to trigger actions manually. <AuthConfig> uses this to handle configuration.

Run this code in any React component to get access:

const { dispatch } = useAuth();
// dispatch('ACTION')
// dispatch('ACTION', { payload })

You can then fire any of these actions:

  • LOGIN starts the login process
  • CHECK_SESSION verifies the current user session
  • SET_CONFIG configures useAuth
  • ERROR moves the machine into an error end-state
  • AUTHENTICATED sets user data
  • LOGOUT clears user data

Using dispatch() manually is discouraged. The most common use-case is for configuring useAuth without the <AuthConfig> component.

// how AuthConfig uses dispatch()
export const AuthConfig = ({
}) => {
const { dispatch } = useAuth();
const callbackDomain =
typeof window !== "undefined"
? `${window.location.protocol}//${}`
: "http://localhost:8000";
React.useEffect(() => {
// instantiate auth provider on page load
const authInstance = new authProvider({
params as ProviderOptions,
// set config in XState
dispatch("SET_CONFIG", {
authProvider: authInstance,
}, [dispatch, authProvider, params, navigate]);
return <>{children}</>;
Create an auth provider
Created with ❤️ by Swizec et. al.